Annual Continuing Education Credit (CEC) Hour Requirements
*Not Applicable to Restricted Insurance Agent (RIA) Licence Holders
Life and/or Accident & Sickness
- 15 hours accumulated from June 1 - May 31
- no carry forward
- Continuing Education Definition
- 8 hours accumulated from June 1 - May 31
- maximum of 4 carry forward
- Continuing Education Definition
Auto-Only Brokers
- 4 hours accumulated from June 1 - May 31
- maximum of 2 carry forward
- Continuing Education Definition
- 8 hours accumulated from July 1 - June 30
- maximum of 4 carry forward
- Continuing Education Definition
Non-residents residing in Canadian jurisdictions that have continuing education requirements will be deemed to have met the requirement in Manitoba. Agents/Brokers residing in a jurisdiction where continuing education is not mandatory are required to comply with Manitoba's continuing education requirements.
Residents of the United States of America are required to comply with Manitoba continuing education requirements.
NOTE: Continuing Education Credits must be obtained from an Accredited Course Provider or a course that has been individually approved by the Insurance Council of Manitoba.