Life and Accident & Sickness Insurance Agent Licensing Information

*Please refer to the User Guides when wishing to apply for a licence - this applies to all amendments, reinstatements, new applicants, late renewals (classified as a reinstatement), or those wishing to apply for a supplementary licence (additional licence).

Examination Information (NEW Resident Applicants: successful completion is required prior to applying for a licence)

User Guides for how to apply for a Life and/or Accident & Sickness Licence

Link to access the On-line Application, Supervision Certificate, and/or Supervision Statement

Life and Accident & Sickness Insurance Forms

Reinstatement Process

Licensing Rules

Code of Conduct

Continuing Education

Professional Liability Insurance (Errors & Omissions Insurance)

Life Insurance Agent Supervisor - Obligations and Duties

Examination Statistics for LLQP Course Providers

Harmonized LLQP Information

Harmonized LLQP Course Providers for the province of Manitoba

LLQP Bulletins & Articles

Where You'll Find Us

466-167 Lombard Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 0T6
  • PHONE:
    (204) 988 6800
  • FAX:
    (204) 988 6801